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55 Waters Rd
Naremburn, NSW, 2065

Screen music Awards 2017.jpg


Jessica Wells is an Australian composer of great merit.

Since obtaining a Master of Music in Composition from the Sydney Conservatorium and a Master of Arts in Screen Composition from AFTRS, her career has blossomed as a composer, orchestrator, and arranger for concerts, films, theatre, and album recordings.

Her concert works range from solo harp through to full symphony orchestra, and she has written music for film and theatre productions.

Jessica Wells is one of Australia’s most sought after composers and orchestrators.

She was the recipient of the 2025 AACTA Award for Best Original Score in a Documentary for her work on the film Mozart’s Sister, and received the 2024 Art Music Luminary Award (NSW).

Jessica’s concert works range from solo harp through to full symphony orchestra, and she has written music for film and theatre productions. Major projects for 2025 include a new Guzheng concerto for the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and her first full length ballet Butterfly Effect with West Australian Ballet.

Jessica also works as orchestrator, arranger, producer and conductor for various concerts, films, theatre projects and album recordings.

Learn more about Jessica


…plus the album is now available on streaming platforms: STREAM MOZART’S SISTER SOUNDTRACK


Honoured to have won the 2025 AACTA Award for Best Original Score in a Documentary for Mozart’s Sister. Thanks to Madeleine Hetherton-Miau, Rebecca Barry and the team at Media Stockade, as well as to my Jigsaw Music team for their work on this project!

AD ASTRA Per Aspera

for Harp and Marimba

Commissioned by The Hush Foundation in 2023 and written especially for harpist Emily Granger and percussionist Claire Edwardes, this work explores the idea of striving “through adversity to the stars.”

This Ancient Latin saying pertains to the idea that success requires the overcoming of obstacles, and as humans we need optimism and aspiration to rise above during tough times.

The piece takes it’s basic pitch material from the Harvard Spectral classification of stars, which was devised by American astronomer Annie Jump Cannon between 1896-1922. The letters O B A F G J K M refer to the spectral characteristics of stars including the temperature of their atmospheres which were visible as levels of brightness on photographs.

The letters are converted into pitches via French composer Messiaen’s musical Cryptogram “Langage communicable”. This creates the basic melody for the opening of the work, the harmony derived myself as a suitable accompaniment for the meditative atmosphere of the music.

Also “spelled” in the piece are the names Claire, Emily, Annie and Jessica. The use of Mark Tree (wind chimes) in the work are used to evoke a magical starry soundscape, and the joyous rhythmic centre of the piece trades a melody between harp and marimba to bring a brightness and positivity to the work.

Kandinsky Blue Painting

For flute, vibraphone, viola & double bass.

Sati and Satya

For multiple instruments.

Perfect for HSC students.

Portrait of Row

On hold music for the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne.

The Night Parrot

A Musical Tale of Hope.

In the Sea’s Giving

Released by Australian Vocal Ensemble.

The Clockmaker

Released by Alicia Crossley.



June May-August 2021

Joined by Queensland band Topology In Brisbane and leading guitarists Andrew Blanch and Vladimir Gorbach, Ensemble Offspring reignites two classics from the ’90s by iconic Australian composers Sculthorpe and Westlake alongside five new commissions from Wells, Wilcox and Davidson reflecting on the cultural, climate and political situations Australia finds itself in today.

With original live video by Peachey and Mosig, this will be a multi-layered feast of music, ideas, lessons from the past and – with a little luck – hope for the decade ahead!

Bass instincts

Alicia Crossley

“Very excited to announce that I am one of the lucky recipients of an Australia Council for the Arts project grant. These funds will go toward the commission of 7 new bass recorder compositions by some of Australia's best female composers, including Anne Elizabeth Boyd, Alice Chance, Holly Harrison, Jessica Wells, Fiona Hill Amanda Cole and Lisa Cheney, for my recording/performance project "Bass Instincts" in 2021.”

“The Night Parrot”

Queensland Music Festival

Commissioned by Katie Noonan and the QMF and Bush Heritage Australia, “The Night Parrot” is a 21 minute song cycle performed by soprano Morgan England-Jones and the Acacia String Quartet. With lyrics by Jessica’s father Jeff Wells, the story of the elusive Night Parrot is told with song and narration (bush poetry style) and was accompanied by a stunning video at it’s world premiere in Winton, outback QLD and then in Brisbane in July 2o19.

Stay tuned for a release of the recording by ABC Classics.


“Neptune’s Daughter”

@ RMIT Women in music festival

9 – 10 March 2019

When Monica Curro asked Jessica to create a new film score for the Festival, Jessica headed to the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia. She found the incredible old silent film, named “Neptune's Daughter” from 1913 starring swimmer, actress and women's advocate Annette Kellerman. Jessica brought new life to Neptune's Daughter, scoring her new piece for PLEXUS (violin, clarinet and piano).



The Australian Voices

“In 2020 The Australian Voices commission 22 (mostly) Australian composers on the theme Far and Near. In response to dark concert halls around the world, we are connecting to composers. Yes, these pieces will be performed one day – we don’t know when.”

“Clouds” is a new work for SATB voices which utilizes the Latin names for clouds.

“Zodiac animalia”

TUNE IN, the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra’s newest initiative provides calm, inspiration, and stimulation through a series of videos with Australian composers who discuss their original music – and TSO musicians who discuss the classics.

“Zodiac Animalia” is featured with a video from the composer, a recording of the work to listen to, 10 questions to answer, and a word search of the 12 animals.

“Dancing with diaghilev”

Amy dickson & Australian string quartet

AFCM Townsville July 2019

July 2019 saw the world premiere of a new work “Dancing With Diaghilev” at the Australian Festival of Chamber Music in Townsville. This work for Alto Sax and String Quartet has also been performed by Niels Bijl in Enschede, The Netherlands.

Alicia crossley and acacia quartet

CD “Muse” now available! "Copenhagen Christmas" is a new two-movement work commissioned by Alicia Crossley which was premiered on December 8th 2018 at the Sydney Opera House.

Movement I: Nisse characterizes the tiny Santa-like elves of Danish folklore, and Movement II: Hygge explores the warm feelings of being indoors in candle-light when it’s snowing outside in the European winter.

The piece was recorded at Sydney's Trackdown Scoring Stage and is now available on the “Muse” CD alongside 5 other Australian composers: Lyle Chan, Sally Whitwell, Anne Boyd, Chris Williams and Stephen Yates.

Click here to purchase $24.95 +postage & handling

Click here to purchase $24.95 +postage & handling

Sydney Symphony orchestra: 50 Fanfares

In 2020, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra introduces 50 Fanfares – a multi-season initiative which will see the Sydney Symphony commission and present the world premieres of new music by 50 Australian composers.

Australian vocal ensemble

12 composers commissioned to write works with poetry by David Malouf - November 2020 premiere

This vocal quartet will consist of Artistic Director and Soprano Katie Noonan (Sunshine Coast), Soprano Greta Bradman (Melb), Baritone Teddy Tahu-Rhodes (Melb/Syd) and Tenor Andrew Goodwin (Syd).


for recorder ensemble

Commissioned by the NSW State Recorder Ensemble, this piece for students of ALL levels of recorder playing has been postponed for performance in 2021. The piece is based on the 1917 John Bauer painting “Rottrollen” or “Root Trolls”.

Rottrollen - John Bauer - 1917

Rottrollen - John Bauer - 1917


for Carillon, Soprano and Electronic Track

Commissioned by the National Capital Authority, the world premiere took place in Barcelona in July 2019. Performed by Lyn Fuller (carillon) and with a backing track featuring operatic soprano Jacqueline Dark, a performance in the USA in 2020 has been postponed due to COVID-19. A recording of the National Carillon will take place once the new bells have been installed in late 2020.

The tracks were mixed by Evan McHugh and can be listened to on Soundcloud with an electronic version of the Carillon (for now)!


Australia Ensemble

September 14, 2019

11 minute work “Heartbeat” for the Australia Ensemble was performed in Sydney in September 2019.

Watch the YouTube video of the premiere here: